Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Ugly Duckling House | DIY Home Improvement Blog: Grumble ...

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. ?And I'm very happy to report that thanks to the Black Friday sale, I have a new best friend helping me finish a few projects:

My shower in the guest bathroom is finally ready to actually take a shower in, but not without a near hissy fit this weekend.
There are several truths of DIY I've learned over the years, and installing this showerhead was simply a reminder of them:
  1. Use the right tools.
  2. Caulk hides a multitude of sins.
  3. When all else fails, tape the ever-loving shit out of it.
Taping is what I had to do with this?showerhead. ?Many times, a new?showerhead?will state on the box that "no tools are required" or "no tape needed". ?If you're in an old house like mine, be prepared for the box to be lying.
Teflon tape and a set of pliers tightened everything up, and after a very frustrating half hour, I had a leak-free shower. ?Small tip: for the best seal, when wrapping Teflon tape around the thread of the shower stem, be sure to wrap it in the direction that you'll tighten the shower fixture.
I was hoping to get a little more done in the room before the big reveal (like hang a little art), but a working, clean shower trumps my half-finished master bath, so I'll be switching rooms and using the room in here until the master bath is finished.
So once the baseboards are in tonight, I'll take a few final shots to show you what things look like. ?While I can't really call the room "done" yet, this room is one of the farthest reached on the shit-show to completed scale. ?Which also means that when I'm using this bathroom, I get to move on to other projects. ?Woo hoo!


Source: http://www.uglyducklinghouse.com/2012/11/grumble-grumble.html

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