Sunday, September 30, 2012

University Researchers Discover Cure for FarmVille Bots [Farmville]

University Researchers Discover Cure for FarmVille BotsIf you are a company who rakes in millions making social games for Facebook, I have good news for you. Researchers at N.C. State University have developed the means of more accurately detecting bot accounts without alerting their owners, so the game's developers can shut them down and kick those freeloading sons of bots out of the cityville.

If you actually play these games, well, sorry, this isn't of much help or use to you. And if you play a bot account, your days are numbered.

The key lies in how this technique analyzes how players move their mouse and click on the screen. Bots give themselves away because they don't show the same range of variability in how they interact with the screen.

"This will allow game designers to differentiate bot accounts from actual human accounts, with confidence, and then cancel the account," said Dr. David Roberts, an assistant professor of computer science at NC State and co-author of a paper on the work.

Roberts said some sophisticated bot programs may feature some interaction variability "but not enough to fool our monitoring technique consistently. If this technique tracks game play for any significant amount of time, it should detect a bot."

Roberts and his research team are optimistic that they'll have agreements to sell this technology to game companies soon. They'll just be paid in Facebook Credits.

Researchers Unveil New Technique to Detect Bots in Casual Online Games [North Carolina State University]


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Jay-Z Puts The Focus On Brooklyn At First Barclays Show

Big Daddy Kane is Hov's only guest during his first of eight shows at the new Nets arena.
By Rob Markman

Jay-Z performs at the Barclays Center
Photo: Kevin Mazur/ Wire Image


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Asteroid Dust Could Fight Climate Change on Earth

To combat global warming, scientists in Scotland now suggest an out-of-this-world solution ? a giant dust cloud in space, blasted off an asteroid, which would act like a sunshade for Earth.

The world is warming and the climate is changing. Although many want to prevent these shifts by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases that trap heat from the sun, some controversially suggest deliberating manipulating the planet's climate with large-scale engineering projects, commonly called geoengineering.

Instead of altering the climate by targeting either the oceans or the atmosphere, some researchers have suggested geoengineering projects that would affect the entire planet from space. For instance, projects that reduced the amount of solar radiation Earth receives by 1.7 percent could offset the effects of a global increase in temperature of 3.6 degrees F (2 degrees C). The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has noted climate models suggest average global temperatures will likely rise by 2 to 11.5 degrees F (1.1 to 6.4 degrees C) by the end of this century.

"A 1.7 percent reduction is very small and will hardly be noticeable on Earth," said researcher Russell Bewick, a space scientist at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland. "People sometimes get the idea of giant screens blocking the entire sun. This is not the case ... as [the device] is constantly between the sun and the Earth, it acts merely as a very light shade or filter."

Shading Earth

One proposal to shade the Earth from the sun would place giant mirrors in space. The main problem with this concept is the immense cost and effort needed either to build and launch such reflectors or to construct them in outer space ? the current cost to launch an object into low Earth orbit runs into thousands of dollars per pound. Another would use blankets of dust to blot out the sun, just as clouds do for Earth. These offer the virtue of simplicity compared with mirrors, but run the risk of getting dispersed over time by solar radiation and the gravitational pull of the sun, moon and planets. [Top 10 Craziest Environmental Ideas]

Now instead of having a dust cloud floating by itself in space, researchers suggest an asteroid could essentially gravitationally anchor a dust cloud in space to block sunlight and cool the Earth.

"I would like to make it clear that I would never suggest geoengineering in place of reducing our carbon emissions," Bewick told LiveScience. Instead, he said, "We can buy time to find a lasting solution to combat Earth?s climate change. The dust cloud is not a permanent cure, but it could offset the effects of climate change for a given time to allow slow-acting measures like carbon capture to take effect."

The idea would be to place an asteroid at Lagrange point L1, a site where the gravitational pull of the sun and the Earth cancel out. This point is about four times the distance from the Earth to the moon.

The researchers suggest outfitting a near-Earth asteroid with a "mass driver," a device consisting of electromagnets that would hurl asteroid-derived matter away from the giant rock. The mass driver could serve both as a rocket to push the asteroid to the L1 point and as an engine to spew out sun-shielding dust. [5 Reasons to Care About Asteroids]

The researchers calculate that the largest near-Earth asteroid, 1036 Ganymed, could maintain a dust cloud large enough to block out 6.58 percent of the solar radiation that would normally reach Earth, more than enough to combat any current global warming trends. Such a cloud would be about 11 million-billion pounds (5 million-billion kilograms) in mass and about 1,600 miles (2,600 kilometers) wide.

Ganymed has a mass of about 286 million-billion lbs. (130 million-billion kg). An asteroid of this size might make one think of disaster movies, such as "Armageddon"; however, "rather than destroying the Earth, it could be used to help mankind," Bewick said.

Asteroid dust challenges

The main challenge of this proposal would be pushing an asteroid the size of Ganymed to the sun-Earth L1 point.

"The company Planetary Resources recently announced their intention to mine asteroids," Bewick said. "The study that they base their plans on reckons that it will be possible to capture an asteroid with a mass of 500,000 kilograms (1.1 million lbs.) by 2025. Comparing this to the mass of Ganymed makes the task of capturing it seem unfeasible, at least in everything except the very far term. However, smaller asteroids could be moved and clustered at the first Lagrange point."

Safety is another concern.

"A very large asteroid is a potential threat to Earth, and therefore great care and testing would be required in the implementation of this scenario," Bewick said. "Due to this, the political challenges would probably match the scale of the engineering challenge. Even for the capture of much smaller asteroids, there will likely be reservations from all areas of society, though the risks would be much less."

Also, there's no way to fully test this dust cloud on a large scale to verify its effectiveness before implementing it, "something that is common to all geoengineering schemes," Bewick said. "On the global scale, it is not possible to test because the test would essentially be the real thing, except probably in a diluted form. Climate modeling can be performed, but without some large-scale testing, the results from these models cannot be fully verified."

Still, if geoengineers did use asteroids to generate clouds, they could drastically reduce how much dust the projects spew out "should any catastrophic climate response be observed," Bewick said, "with the cloud dispersing naturally over time."

The scientists will detail their findings in the Nov. 12 issue of the journal Advances in Space Research.

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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How We Know That Humans Are Getting Smarter [Excerpt]

In this excerpt from his new book, James R. Flynn explains how he came to understand how our minds have gained in cognitive skills over the 20th century

Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century, James R. Flynn Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century, by James R. Flynn. Copyright ? 2012 James R. Flynn. Reprinted with the permission of Cambridge University Press. Image: Cambridge University Press

  • Showcasing more than fifty of the most provocative, original, and significant online essays from 2011, The Best Science Writing Online 2012 will change the way...

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Reprinted from Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century, by James R. Flynn. Copyright ? 2012 James R. Flynn. Reprinted with the permission of Cambridge University Press.

The phenomenon of IQ gains has created unnecessary controversy because of conceptual confusion. Imagine an archaeologist from the distant future who excavates our civilization and finds a record of performances over time on measures of marksmanship. The test is always the same, that is, how many bullets you can put in a target 100 meters away in a minute. Records from 1865 (the U.S. Civil War) show the best score to be five bullets in the target, records from 1898 (Spanish-American War) show 10, and records from 1918 (World War I) show 50.

A group of "marksmanship-metricians" looks at these data. They find it worthless for measuring marksmanship. They make two points. First, they distinguish between the measure and the trait being measured. The mere fact that performance on the test has risen in terms of "items correct" does not mean that marksmanship ability has increased. True, the test is unaltered but all we know is that the test has gotten easier. Many things might account for that. Second, they stress that we have only relative and no absolute scales of measurement. We can rank soldiers against one another at each of the three times. But we have no measure that would bridge the transition from one shooting instrument to another. How could you rank the best shot with a sling against the best shot with a bow and arrow? At this point, the marksmanship-metrician either gives up or looks for something that would allow him to do his job. Perhaps some new data that would afford an absolute measure of marksmanship over time such as eye tests or a measure of steady hands.

However, a group of military historians are also present and it is at this point they get excited. They want to know why the test got easier, irrespective of whether the answer aids or undermines the measurement of marksmanship over time. They ask the archaeologists to look further. Luckily, they discover battlefields specific to each time. The 1865 battlefields disclose the presence of primitive rifles, the 1898 ones repeating rifles, and the 1918 ones machine guns. Now we know why it was easier to get more bullets into the target over time and we can confirm that this was no measure of enhanced marksmanship. But it is of enormous historical and social significance. Battle casualties, the industries needed to arm the troops, and so forth altered dramatically.

Confusion about the two roles has been dispelled. If the battlefields had been the artifacts first discovered, there would have been no confusion because no one uses battlefields as instruments for measuring marksmanship. It was the fact that the first artifacts were also instruments of measurement that put historians and metricians at cross-purposes. Now they see that different concepts dominate their two spheres: social evolution in weaponry?whose significance is that we have become much better at solving the problem of how to kill people quickly; marksmanship?whose significance is which people have the ability to kill more skillfully than other people can.

The historian has done nothing to undermine what the metrician does. At any given time, measuring marksmanship may be the most important thing you can do to predict the life histories of individuals. Imagine a society dominated by dueling. It may be that the lives of those who are poor shots are likely to be too brief to waste time sending them to university, or hire them, or marry them. If a particular group or nation lacks the skill, it may be at the mercy of the better skilled. Nonetheless, this is no reason to ignore everything else in writing military history.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Simulations uncover 'flashy' secrets of merging black holes

ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2012) ? According to Einstein, whenever massive objects interact, they produce gravitational waves -- distortions in the very fabric of space and time -- that ripple outward across the universe at the speed of light. While astronomers have found indirect evidence of these disturbances, the waves have so far eluded direct detection. Ground-based observatories designed to find them are on the verge of achieving greater sensitivities, and many scientists think that this discovery is just a few years away.

Catching gravitational waves from some of the strongest sources -- colliding black holes with millions of times the sun's mass -- will take a little longer. These waves undulate so slowly that they won't be detectable by ground-based facilities. Instead, scientists will need much larger space-based instruments, such as the proposed Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, which was endorsed as a high-priority future project by the astronomical community.

A team that includes astrophysicists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., is looking forward to that day by using computational models to explore the mergers of supersized black holes. Their most recent work investigates what kind of "flash" might be seen by telescopes when astronomers ultimately find gravitational signals from such an event.

Studying gravitational waves will give astrophysicists an unprecedented opportunity to witness the universe's most extreme phenomena, leading to new insights into the fundamental laws of physics, the death of stars, the birth of black holes and, perhaps, the earliest moments of the universe.

A black hole is an object so massive that nothing, not even light, can escape its gravitational grip. Most big galaxies, including our own Milky Way, contain a central black hole weighing millions of times the sun's mass, and when two galaxies collide, their monster black holes settle into a close binary system.

"The black holes orbit each other and lose orbital energy by emitting strong gravitational waves, and this causes their orbits to shrink. The black holes spiral toward each other and eventually merge," said Goddard astrophysicist John Baker.

Close to these titanic, rapidly moving masses, space and time become repeatedly flexed and warped. Just as a disturbance forms ripples on the surface of a pond, drives seismic waves through Earth, or puts the jiggle in a bowl of Jell-O, the cyclic flexing of space-time near binary black holes produces waves of distortion that race across the universe.

While gravitational waves promise to tell astronomers many things about the bodies that created them, they cannot provide one crucial piece of information -- the precise position of the source. So to really understand a merger event, researchers need an accompanying electromagnetic signal -- a flash of light, ranging from radio waves to X-rays -- that will allow telescopes to pinpoint the merger's host galaxy.

Understanding the electromagnetic counterparts that may accompany a merger involves the daunting task of tracking the complex interactions between the black holes, which can be moving at more than half the speed of light in the last few orbits, and the disks of hot, magnetized gas that surround them. Since 2010, numerous studies using simplifying assumptions have found that mergers could produce a burst of light, but no one knew how commonly this occurred or whether the emission would be strong enough to be detectable from Earth.

To explore the problem in greater detail, a team led by Bruno Giacomazzo at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and including Baker developed computer simulations that for the first time show what happens in the magnetized gas (also called a plasma) in the last stages of a black hole merger. Their study was published in the June 10 edition of The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

The simulations follow the complex electrical and magnetic interactions in the ionized gas -- known as magnetohydrodynamics -- within the extreme gravitational environment determined by the equations of Einstein's general relativity, a task requiring the use of advanced numerical codes and fast supercomputers.

Both of the simulations reported in the study were run on the Pleiades supercomputer at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. They follow the black holes over their last three orbits and subsequent merger using models both with and without a magnetic field in the gas disk.

Additional simulations were run on the Ranger and Discover supercomputers, respectively located at the University of Texas, Austin, and the NASA Center for Climate Simulations at Goddard, in order to investigate the effects of different initial conditions, fewer orbits and other variations.

"What's striking in the magnetic simulation is that the disk's initial magnetic field is rapidly intensified by about 100 times, and the merged black hole is surrounded by a hotter, denser, thinner accretion disk than in the unmagnetized case," Giacomazzo explained.

In the turbulent environment near the merging black holes, the magnetic field intensifies as it becomes twisted and compressed. The team suggests that running the simulation for additional orbits would result in even greater amplification.

The most interesting outcome of the magnetic simulation is the development of a funnel-like structure -- a cleared-out zone that extends up out of the accretion disk near the merged black hole. "This is exactly the type of structure needed to drive the particle jets we see from the centers of black-hole-powered active galaxies," Giacomazzo said.

The most important aspect of the study is the brightness of the merger's flash. The team finds that the magnetic model produces beamed emission that is some 10,000 times brighter than those seen in previous studies, which took the simplifying step of ignoring plasma effects in the merging disks.

"We need gravitational waves to confirm that a black hole merger has occurred, but if we can understand the electromagnetic signatures from mergers well enough, perhaps we can search for candidate events even before we have a space-based gravitational wave observatory," Baker said.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA.

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Journal Reference:

  1. Bruno Giacomazzo, John G. Baker, M. Coleman Miller, Christopher S. Reynolds, James R. van Meter. General Relativistic Simulations of Magnetized Plasmas Around Merging Supermassive Black Holes. The Astrophysical Journal, 2012; 752 (1): L15 DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/752/1/L15

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AP Exclusive: Brown did service at his old daycare

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Chris Brown has logged more than 1,400 hours of community service for the 2009 beating of former girlfriend Rihanna, basically completing his sentence. The Associated Press has learned one-third of those hours were recorded at a rural Virginia daycare center where the singer spent time as a child and his mother once served as director.

And in the last seven months, an AP analysis of the work records indicates Brown's labor credits increased by four times from what they had been during the previous two years. Yet through it all, Brown hasn't stopped being an R&B superstar, performing worldwide, releasing an album and even getting injured in a nightclub brawl.

Brown's service records have come under scrutiny by a prosecutor and a judge, who are trying to ascertain their accuracy. At a Monday hearing, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg called the accounting of Brown's community service by Richmond, Va., Police Chief Bryan T. Norwood "somewhat cryptic."

No specific concerns were detailed by the court, yet the AP analysis of Brown's service shows that in the past seven months, the artist has been credited for working 701 hours ? a feat that previously took him 28 months to achieve, clocking sporadic, shorter shifts mostly at Richmond police and fire stations.

In recent months, the logs show Brown has essentially been working three jobs ? performing cleanup duty in Richmond police precincts by day, janitorial chores at the daycare 45 miles east by night, and hit songs for global audiences in between.

Ida Minter, the administrator of the Tappahannock Children's Center, said Brown attended the nonprofit facility "off and on" for more than 12 years and his mother was employed there for 24 years, including as director.

Brown's community service at the center began in January 2010, but work entries dramatically increased in March of this year. Most of his shifts were logged between 6 p.m. and 2 a.m. and were typically listed as "general cleaning," with some entries describing him painting or stripping and waxing floors. It is unclear who supervised him.

Brown's attorney Mark Geragos said Monday that he welcomed inquiries from Los Angeles probation officials and said he urged Brown to work double shifts so the lawyer wouldn't have to keep coming back to court.

Minter described Brown's work at the daycare center favorably.

"I think Chris always goes beyond because he always wants to give back to where he grew up," she told the AP. "And this was a part of his home because his mom worked here full-time."

"If you've ever been involved in stripping and waxing, it's hard," she said. "It's a lot of work."

Minter said Brown was always accompanied by someone while working at the center, but she said she couldn't discuss who it was.

The singer, who pleaded guilty to felony assault in June 2009, only worked at night and on weekends when no children were present, Minter said. That is supported by the logs, which also showed that Brown only worked one other weekend shift that wasn't at the daycare center.

Brown has been undeniably busy in recent months, releasing his new album "Fortune," traveling to France for a video shoot, winning a Grammy Award, performing at other award shows and resuming his friendship and music collaboration with Rihanna.

He has also drawn negative attention for being present at a bottle-throwing brawl at a New York City nightclub that left him with a cut chin. And in February, a woman in Miami accused him of taking her cellphone to prevent her from snapping pictures of him.

It was after that incident that Brown, 23, accelerated his work schedule, completing the 701 hours in seven months, according to the records filed Monday.

Meanwhile, the singer has remained an active promoter of his work on Twitter, where he sends out almost daily links to his music and clothing line, and also interacts with fans.

His international travel, which must be approved by Schnegg, has somehow been squeezed around his marathon community service sessions.

In July, for instance, Brown is listed as working 42 hours in four days before leaving for France. Upon his return, he worked 12 consecutive days, logging 164 hours, 100 of which were at the daycare described in Norwood's log as "Tappa Day Care."

March was similarly busy, with Brown being credited for work on 20 of the month's 30 days; he was approved to travel to Cancun, Mexico, for five of the remaining days.

Before this week, Brown had received praise from Schnegg and had never been in danger of violating his probation. But that could change if the inquiry the judge ordered turns up irregularities with the singer's service.

Schnegg allowed Brown to perform his work in his home state of Virginia under the supervision of Norwood, but on Monday noted there are discrepancies in the chief's accounting.

For one, Brown's work log shows he has put in 1,402 hours, but a couple of errors in the data may push the total up to 1,404. And although Brown was sentenced to perform 1,440 hours of labor, the chief wrote in a letter dated Sept. 14 that Brown had completed all his service hours.

Norwood's spokesman declined to respond to questions from the AP on the discrepancies. "Chief Norwood has reported directly to the judge, providing periodic updates regarding the progress of Chris Brown's community service," spokesman Gene Lepley said.

Prosecutors "are not happy with the quality of the report," Schnegg said Monday. "They don't know if it's reliable, yes or no."

District Attorney's spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons said the office would make all its comments on the case in court.

The judge and prosecution aren't the only ones concerned about the administration of Brown's sentence. In August, Virginia probation authorities recommended that Richmond police stop supervising Brown after the singer tested positive for marijuana and what they believed was unapproved travel to France. However, they made no critical comments about his community service.

Geragos, Brown's attorney, declined comment for this story, but he said at Monday's court hearing that he believes his client has completed all his community service.

Brown's labors have left a lasting mark at the Tappahannock Children's Center: a colorful wall mural featuring a huge clown face and splashes of purple, orange, green and yellow. The words "Big Room" ? the informal name of the large space amid a warren of smaller classrooms ? is painted in fat letters along a wall where jackets are hung on hooks.

Brown approached Minter, who has known Brown since his birth, to ask if he could use his art skills on the walls of the big room, she said.

The singer is not the only celebrity to perform community service with an entity to which they have close ties. Mel Gibson and Sean Penn had similar arrangements.

Both actors had received permission in advance for the assignments in misdemeanor cases. Before Monday's filings, there had been no mention of Brown working at his boyhood daycare center in probation reports.


Steve Szkotak reported from Richmond, Va.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at .


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GALLERY: Audi unveils Crosslane Coup? concept car at Paris ...

Audi provides a glimpse of the future shape of design, along with automotive and drive concepts, through its Audi crosslane coup? concept car. This vehicle is an entirely new fusion of technology, engineering and design, and provides pointers to the design language of Audi?s future Q models.

With a Multimaterial Space Frame, the vehicle concept strikes out along entirely new paths with regard to weight, costs and energy usage over its lifecycle, and is an evolutionary stage of Audi ultra ? the lightweight construction principle from Audi.

An innovative and efficient plug-in hybrid drive based on a purpose-designed 1.5-liter three-cylinder TFSI and two electric motors redefines the benchmark, with fuel consumption of only 1.1 liters per 100 km (213.81 US mpg) and CO2 emissions of just 26 grams per km (41.84 grams per mile).

The result is a cosmopolitan vehicle that will appeal to young, sporty customers in particular thanks to its removable roof and the customizable services available under the Audi connect concept.

Pioneering concept: the Multimaterial Space Frame
The Multimaterial Space Frame of the compact Audi crosslane coup? is comprised of three materials ? aluminum, carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP), and glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP). The concept car has an unladen weight of about 1,390 kg (3,064.43 lb), including the large lithium-ion battery.

The aluminum profiles form a continuous, rigid structure around the occupant cell. Beams beneath the front lid join the single-frame grille, which performs a supporting function and is also made from aluminum, with the occupant cell.

The front and rear crash structures are made from CFRP and the supporting CFRP structures inside the occupant cell include the inner sills, the center tunnel, the bulkhead, and the cross-members in the floor. Surface GFRP components with partial CFRP reinforcements complete the body concept.

Audi is convinced that the highly integrated Multimaterial Space Frame is the right path to the future. Its weight is of the same magnitude as a monolithic body of CFRP. It also offers convincing advantages in terms of costs to the customer and its energy usage in a life cycle assessment.

Innovative: dual-mode hybrid concept
The plug-in hybrid drive of the Audi crosslane coup?, which is described as a dual-mode hybrid, is as innovative as it is efficient. It comprises a combustion engine, two electric motors and a single-stage transmission; its system power is 130 kW (177 hp). The Audi crosslane coup? sprints from zero to 100 km/h (62.14?mph) in 8.6 seconds, and in pure electric mode takes 9.8 seconds. The car?s top speed is 182 km/h (113.09 mph). Its average fuel consumption is a mere 1.1 liters per 100 km (213.81 US mpg) and it emits 26 grams per km (41.84?grams per mile) of CO2. The lithium-ion battery has an output of 17.4 kWh, sufficient for an operating range of around 86 km (53.44 miles) in the electric mode.

The combustion engine is a purpose-developed three-cylinder TFSI with a displacement of 1.5 liters, delivering an output of 95 kW (130 hp) and 200 Nm (147.51 lb-ft) of torque. The three-cylinder engine is coupled to an electric motor (EM 1), which acts primarily as a starter and an alternator. It develops an output of 50 kW (68 hp) and 210 Nm (154.89 lb-ft) of torque. Electrical traction is provided by the second electric motor (EM 2) developing 85 kW (116 hp) and 250?Nm (184.39 lb-ft) of torque. The transmission makes it possible to connect the combustion engine complete with alternator to the remainder of the drivetrain by means of a claw clutch.

The dual-mode hybrid concept enables different operating modes. From 0 up to 55 km/h (34.18 mph), drive power is supplied solely by the EM 2, which draws the energy it needs primarily from the battery. In serial mode, the combustion engine and the alternator (EM 1) produce electrical energy to support, relieve or substitute the battery should it be discharged.

The electric mode is possible up to 130 km/h (80.78 mph). Starting at about 55?km/h (34.18 mph) the drive system allows the TFSI engine together with the alternator to couple to the drivetrain ? in this hybrid mode, the drive sources combine to optimize both efficiency and performance. Above 130 km/h (80.78?mph), the three-cylinder engine becomes the main drive source but the EM 1 can support it if required.

The driver of the Audi crosslane coup? can choose between the ?cruise? and ?race? settings. The ?cruise? mode prioritizes electric driving. The driver does not notice either gear changes or the power source kicking in. When the TFSI is running, its engine speed is always adapted to the road speed ? without a ?rubber-band? effect. The high efficiency of the transmission makes the dual-mode hybrid drive especially efficient in urban traffic.

Forward-looking: exterior design
The 2+2-seater Audi crosslane coup? is 4.21 meters long (13.81 ft), 1.88 meters wide (6.17 ft) and 1.51 meters high (4.95 ft), with a wheelbase of 2.56 meters (8.40 ft). Its body design comes across as powerful and striking, and it already provides a foretaste of the design language of a future generation of Audi Q models.

The single-frame grille, which is subdivided into several segments by struts, dominates the front end. Its prominent frame is integrated into the Multimaterial Space Frame as a supporting element. This solution symbolizes the philosophy behind the Audi crosslane coup?: a totally new fusion of basic concept, technology and design.

The trapezoidal headlights use Audi Matrix LED headlight technology. Small, individually controllable light-emitting diodes generate all lighting functions, and microreflectors enable their precise positioning. The bumper incorporates large, mainly smooth-surfaced air intakes. Through two narrow openings in the front lid it is possible to glimpse the upper aluminum members of the Multimaterial Space Frame.

Along the sides, the horizontal edges are the dominant feature above the wheels. The low greenhouse tapers into a very flat C-post, emphasizing the coup?-like character of the Audi crosslane coup?. The doors extend a long way down thanks to the space frame design, which allows very low sills. The doors open to reveal the aluminum structures of the Multimaterial Space Frame.

The tail lights are a variation on the motif of the headlights; the trunk lid seam divides them each into two segments. The bumper, the lower section of which is made from CFRP, incorporates an aluminum diffuser that extends quite some way up. The roof element comprises two CFRP shells and weighs slightly less than ten kilograms (22.05 lb). The driver and front passenger can unlatch it by an electric drive, remove it from the body structure and fit it over the trunk.

Moveable: trunk
The trunk forms a separate pan within the body structure; it is attached to the backs of the rear seats, which are separate from the seat cushions. At the press of a button, the entire unit travels about 40 cm (15.75 in) forward electrically; this is how the latched roof reaches its end position, in which it protects the luggage. At the same time, the level surface under the trunk becomes accessible, and it offers a flat storage space for dirty or wet objects.

The driver and front passenger sit on electrically adjustable sport seats with integrated head restraints, the shells of which are made from CFRP. The center console integrates a large selector lever, which is electrically extended when the car is started; it is used to control the hybrid drive. The spokes of the steering wheel incorporate control surfaces for the thumbs, which the driver can use to carry out most functions. These can also be controlled just as intuitively from a large touchpad on the center console.

The low dashboard is very clearly turned towards the driver. The air conditioning controls incorporate miniature displays. The virtual displays in the instrument cluster can be toggled between two different levels, and a powermeter visualizes the drive system?s operating statuses.

The Audi crosslane coup? introduces new online services under the key word Audi connect. Its passengers are always connected to the Internet community ? via Twitter, Facebook or by sending photos and videos recorded on the road. A completely new feature is the ?Escape Manager? ? a program passengers can use to review and comment on the routes they are driving for their friends.

Geometric clarity: interior design
The interior design of the Audi crosslane coup? continues the design language of the exterior in the geometrical clarity of its basic shapes; instrument covers and the grilles on the air nozzles, for example, take up the trapezoidal theme. The narrow gap dimensions and three-dimensional surfaces reflect Audi?s uncompromisingly high quality standards.

The dominant interior material of the Audi crosslane coup? is CFRP, which is used in a number of different variations. On the dashboard cowl, for instance, the composite fibers are all aligned in a single direction; this unidirectional arrangement is a new departure in the automotive sector. The CFRP parts are slightly lighter in color in some areas and darker in others, an effect achieved by different clear coat applications.

The aluminum elements, too, are used in a subtly differentiated way. Most of them are machine-polished, but the air nozzles use a black anodized light alloy. The vehicle floor is made from glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) incorporating sections of a new material: Thick cords are woven with rubber threads to form a hard-wearing carpet.

In their leather selections, Audi designers also employed various material grades. The most widely used grade is soft semi-aniline leather. Velvet leather in black provides an enlivening contrast. It has a robust, slightly coarse surface reminiscent of suede.

The equipment and data specified in this document refer to the model range offered in Germany. Subject to change without?notice; errors and omissions excepted.




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Thursday, September 27, 2012

South Sudan-Sudan agree on oil but not border

Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir, center-left, and South Sudan President Salva Kiir, right, gesture to celebrate the completion of a signing ceremony after the two countries reached a deal on economic and security agreements Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The presidents of Sudan and South Sudan signed agreements Thursday that will allow a resumption of oil exports from South Sudan, a demilitarized zone between their borders, and a cessation of all hostilities that brought the countries to the brink of all-out war just a few months ago. (AP Photo/Elias Asmare)

Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir, center-left, and South Sudan President Salva Kiir, right, gesture to celebrate the completion of a signing ceremony after the two countries reached a deal on economic and security agreements Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The presidents of Sudan and South Sudan signed agreements Thursday that will allow a resumption of oil exports from South Sudan, a demilitarized zone between their borders, and a cessation of all hostilities that brought the countries to the brink of all-out war just a few months ago. (AP Photo/Elias Asmare)

(AP) ? The presidents of Sudan and South Sudan signed economic and security agreements Thursday that will allow a resumption of oil exports from South Sudan. The two countries also reached deals for a demilitarized zone between their borders and a cessation of all hostilities that brought the countries to the brink of all-out war just a few months ago.

Sudan President Omar al-Bashir and South Sudan President Salva Kiir signed the agreement in Ethiopia's capital, where they have been holding talks since Sunday. The talks were originally scheduled to last only a day. The sides could not agree on a shared border or on how to address the disputed region of Abyei.

Both sides have been under pressure from the U.N. Security Council to resolve the outstanding issues or risk sanctions. South Sudan broke away from Sudan last year after an independence vote that was the culmination of a 2005 peace treaty that ended decades of war that killed more than 2 million people. But the border was never defined, and South Sudan suspended oil production in January after accusing Sudan of stealing its crude, which is transported in pipelines through Sudan. Border clashes escalated in April when South Sudan troops took over an oil town in a region Sudan claims as its own.

With the deal sealed Thursday, officials say only "technical works" remain for oil exports to resume soon. Some officials have said it will take months to clear the pipelines and get oil flowing again.

U.N. Secretary Ban Ki-moon welcomed the agreements, saying Sudan and South Sudan "have written a new page in their common history."

He commended the two presidents "for again choosing peace over war" and said the agreements "provide important building blocks for a stable and prosperous future for both countries." He urged both countries to continue their efforts to resolve the dispute over Abyei through dialogue "and avoid any unilateral decisions that would risk a return to violence."

Ban spoke at a ministerial forum on Sudan and South Sudan on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly's annual high-level meeting that he co-chaired with the African Union.

The forum's final communique commended the two presidents "for demonstrating constructive leadership and political will to reach agreements" and urged them to continue negotiations on Abyei and the disputed border areas.

The security agreement was signed by the two countries' defense ministers, while lead negotiators inked economic and trade agreements. AU mediators say the two sides also signed a deal to let their citizens freely move between, reside in and work in both countries.

Bashir and Kiir spent four days in an apparent effort to overcome the most contentious issues ? finalizing a border and determining the status of the border region of Abyei ? but failed.

Kiir said Thursday was a great day in the history of the Sudan region, though he said the lack of an agreement over Abyei was Khartoum's fault.

"As to Abyei it is very unfortunate that we could not agree," he said. "My government and I accepted unconditionally the proposal of the AUHIP (the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel) . unfortunately my brother Bashir and his government totally rejected the proposal in its totality." Kiir said. He called on the African Union to resolve the dispute urgently and end what he called the continued suffering of the people of Abyei.

The top African Union mediator, former South African President Thabo Mbeki, called the agreement's signing "a giant step forward for both Sudan and South Sudan." Mbeki said a mediation panel work with the Peace and Security Council of the African Union to resolve the Abyei issue.

Mbeki said monitors would be deployed to oversee the agreed-upon buffer zone between the countries. "Monitors are already on standby, the equipment, helicopters and all of that is required for the purpose are also on standby. They are ready," Mbeki said.

In a sign of how closely the U.S. was watching the talks, President Barack Obama welcomed the agreement as soon as it was signed. Obama said the deal breaks new ground in support of two viable states at peace.

"The leaders of Sudan and South Sudan have chosen to take another important step on the path away from conflict toward a future in which their citizens can live in dignity, security, and prosperity. The United States is committed to working with both countries as they implement these agreements and as they seek to resolve those issues that remain outstanding. We are hopeful that today's deal can help spur broader progress on resolving the conflict in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile, securing unfettered international humanitarian access in those areas, and bringing peace to Darfur," he said, referring to three regions in Sudan.

The freeze on oil production has cost both countries millions of dollars in lost revenue. An economic crisis sent inflation soaring and pushed food prices beyond the reach of ordinary citizens, said Jose Barahona, the top official for the aid group Oxfam in South Sudan, who called the agreements encouraging.

"But the two nations will continue to face an uncertain future until there is agreement on Abyei and the other contested areas, and efforts are stepped up to resolve the conflicts in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile," he said, referring to two areas in Sudan where residents are seen to be sympathetic to South Sudan. Fighting in the region has sent 170,000 refugees fleeing over the border into South Sudan.

Samson Wasara , a professor of economics at Juba University in South Sudan, said the resumed oil exports ? from which Sudan will take transport fees ? would help ease tensions but that the new demilitarized buffer zone will provoke more conflict if the borders are not clearly defined. He noted that the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea has been a source of tension for decades.

"Proper border demarcation will reduce the chance of encroachment by both countries. But in order to do this, the international community must pressure Sudan and South Sudan to agree to something definite. If this is not sorted out quickly it will lead to later tension," Wasara said.

African Union mediator Thabo Mbeki, Ethiopia's Communications Minister Bereket Simon and diplomats witnessed the agreement's signing ceremony at the Sheraton Addis hotel. The ceremony started with a minute of silence for the late Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, whom Mbeki credited with being instrumental in facilitating the talks.


Associated Press reporter Michael Onyiego in Juba, South Sudan contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Tips For Choosing an Online Marketing Consultant ? Internet ...

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Tips For Choosing an Online Marketing Consultant

Choosing an online marketing consultant is a wise decision if you want to save your time and make your business marketing efficient and effective. Online marketing is a vast field and has various types. Many people try their own hands to market their business online and fail due to a lack of comprehensive knowledge about internet marketing. You must hire a marketing consultant if you seriously wish to get success with your business online. In this article, I will give you some of the basic tips for choosing an online marketing consultant.

Look for Qualification and Experience of a Consultant:

Like I said there are numerous ways to online marketing. For example, search engine optimization, pay per click campaigns, social media marketing, blog marketing, email marketing and many more. There are many consultants who specialize in any one of these many marketing strategies and call themselves marketing consultants. A good consultant is the one who has a good qualification and experience in all of the marketing strategies. Not only that, he should also be able to explain that which marketing strategy will work the best with your business mode and a website design. It is not always required to perform all the marketing methods to any business.

Have an Open and a Frank Conversation:

Most professional consultants will not mind if you ask them to have an open conversation on their background. Ask them all the questions that you have in your mind. Ask them to provide you with their portfolio. Study it carefully and ask questions about the various projects that they performed previously. What strategies they carried out with those projects and why. Also if possible ask them to show the traffic statistics from few of their clients websites. This will make many things clear in your mind. This will also show your consultants professionalism and their ability to perform their tasks.

Make an Honest Check on Your Consultants:

The materials, the records, the data your consultants show you may be fake. You will be paying him for the service he will provide you. So there is no harm in making an honest check on your consultants. To ensure he is up to his feet about what he says about himself, you can go through the clients testimonials. You can also receive their clients contact information and ask them on how the business went through. Since he is an online marketing consultant, there will be his online profile on many websites. Search them through search engines and go through them to find his reliability. Once you make sure that everything meets your requirements, then you are good to go with your online marketing consultant.

These are the 3 basic tips for choosing an online marketing consultant for your business. Find some more Internet Marketing Secrets [] completely free from some of the best IM Gurus round the world. Learn Internet Marketing [] ? the right way.

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Fox Broadcast app now available to Xbox Live customers with Dish and FiOS subscriptions

FOX Broadcast app now available to Xbox Live customer with Dish and FiOS subscriptions

Xbox Live frontman Larry Hryb (aka Major Nelson) took to his blog on Tuesday to announce that Dish and Verizon FiOS customers can now download the Fox Broadcast app for Xbox 360 to stream next-day Fox programming. In order to use this free app, you'll need a paid Xbox Live Gold subscription. In addition to keeping you up to date with recent episodes of Fringe and Family Guy, this new app also includes access to legacy series such as House and 24. Like most things Xbox, the Fox Broadcasting app features Kinect integration, because everything is "better with Kinect," right?

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Fox Broadcast app now available to Xbox Live customers with Dish and FiOS subscriptions originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 25 Sep 2012 21:11:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Best Health And Fitness Supplements For Women ? The Latest ...

As medical advancements continue, more people are taking supplements to improve their health and fitness than ever.? The phenomenon is incredibly popular amongst men, but becoming increasingly so amongst women as well.? Whether you?re looking to speed up your weight loss or the muscle building, here are some of the best options that will help ?.

As medical advancements continue, more people are taking supplements to improve their health and fitness than ever.? The phenomenon is incredibly popular amongst men, but becoming increasingly so amongst women as well.? Whether you?re looking to speed up your weight loss or the muscle building, here are some of the best options that will help you.

Whey protein:
Whey protein for quite some time now has remained the best protein source available.? It is a supplement that you?ll see recommended by the Australian Fitness Network and all the experienced gurus.? Whey protein is absorbed relatively fast and will help speed up either muscle rebuilding or new muscle building process straight after you work out.

There?s still a bit of debate over the current products available in terms of how much antioxidant benefit they actually contain, but there?s no doubt that it?s one of the most effective ways of enhancing weight loss.? Green Tea is probably one of the most popularly known sources of antioxidants, however you should note, it?s recommended that you drink up to and beyond 12 cups of it a day if you really want it to have any effect.

Fish Oil
Fish oil is filled with omega-3 acids; something you?ve probably seen plastered onto the front of countless products and brought up constantly in health and wellbeing publications.? The benefits of it extend to your bone, heart, and brain functions amongst other things.? Of course eating ?oilier? fish such as salmon, sardines, or herring will provide with the necessary omega-3 levels. However, if you?re not such a fan of eating fish then supplements are the way to go.

Glucosamine Sulfate
Glucosamine sulfate is proven to be one of the leading supplements for joint health, actually repairing the cartilage between bones.? It?s a vitamin that might not help you lose weight or build up muscles in an obvious way, but it will help you keep exercising to your maximum potential and stay healthy for many years to come.

A good multi-vitamin one of the most important supplements you can get, and is used by almost all athletes and body builders.? It?s important if you want your body to reach its full potential and for both your health and fitness to be at their peak.

There are plenty of supplements available, all serving specific functions in regards to your health and fitness, but these five are not only a good foundation, but also some of the most essential.

Kristen Wickham is a self-proclaimed pop culture expert, and is absolutely obsessed with US drama shows.? A member of the Australian Fitness Network, and now a mother of two, she is always trying to keep her and her family healthy in every way possible.

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Homeschool: Letter to Adult Self Journal Prompt -

This month?s?journal?prompt if you are following along is to have your child write a letter to themselves as adults at a particular age (either you select the age or have your child choose an age.) They can include anything they want such as a funny story, things they currently like to do,hopes or dreams of what they will be like at that particular age.

The letter doesn?t need to be more than a page long and great idea would be to keep the letter or do as we do and write one each year. We choose an age that is 20 years older than the children?s current ages and include a snapshot of each child at their current ages on the letters. ?I take and add them to each notebook so that I can give them to each of the children when they reach the age that first started with.

Later once they are adults these letters will be great birthday presents filled with memories, hopes, and dreams of the past. The letters also allow your children a chance to see how their writing skills and styles change with each year. I don?t have them read these aloud as we do other journal entries because these tend to be more personal.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

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Monday, September 24, 2012

London Rd2: Leko beats Ivanchuk, Nakamura bounces right back

London Rd2: Leko beats Ivanchuk, Nakamura bounces right back
22.09.2012 ? The games for the most part continue to be very exciting. Leko shows Hungarian precision and positional mastery, while Nakamura punishes his opponent with sheer willpower and tenacity. Gelfand and Giri were easily neutralized by Topalov and Wang Hao respectively, and although Dominguez also drew against Grischuk it was not exactly easy. Annotated report by GM Alejandro Ramirez.

The First FIDE Grand Prix is taking place from September 21 to October 3rd in Simpson?s-in-the-Strand, London. The games start at 14:00h local time (= 15:00h CEST, 17:00h Moscow, 09:00 a.m. New York). The tournament has a prize fund of 240,000 Euros.

Round two report

By GM Alejandro Ramirez

The games for the most part continue to be very exciting.? Leko shows Hungarian precision and positional mastery, while Nakamura punishes his opponent with sheer willpower and tenacity.? Gelfand and Giri were easily neutralized by Topalov and Wang Hao respectively, and although Dominguez also drew against Grischuk it would be a stretch to say that he did it easily.

Round 2 on 2012/09/22 at 14:00

Leko Peter 2737


Ivanchuk Vassily 2769
Adams Michael 2722


Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2729
Giri Anish 2730


Wang Hao 2742
Grischuk Alexander 2754


Dominguez Perez Leinier 2725
Gelfand Boris 2738


Topalov Veselin 2752
Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2684


Nakamura Hikaru 2783

Hikaru Nakamura: "You win, you lose. Life."

Kasimdzhanov - Nakamura: In a strange Kings Indian, the game was probably level all the way throughout. Eventually, in time pressure, Kasimdzhanov made a mistake that allowed the American to seize the initiative in what otherwise seemed a mindless endgame. With his king on the ropes and playing on the few seconds he had left, Kasim blundered checkmate in two.? You just can?t get in time pressure against Hikaru.? Nakamura wins.

Gelfand - Topalov: Nothing to see here.? Draw

Another example of Leko's mastery

Leko - Ivanchuk: After Ivanchuk seemingly transposes into an equal endgame, he commits a series of imprecisions that allow Leko to put on pressure.? A blunder soon follows, the Hungarian pounces, and it is all over. The French defense suffers another defeat.? Leko wins.

Giri - Wang Hao: Not as dull as the Gelfand game, but it comes close.? Draw.

So far the Cuban player has done very well

Grischuk - Dominguez: Grischuk sacrifices a pawn early on to put on a lot of pressure on Dominguez? queenside, which is also underdeveloped.? The Cuban is suffering the entire game but manages to wiggle out into an uncomfortable endgame, where Grischuk?s passed d-pawn is causing him a lot of headaches.? Unfortunately by this point, that is his one and only trump card, and once it has been blockaded there is little left. He eventually transposes into a pawn up rook endgame, but the material is too simplified. Dominguez hols on to his life and draw.

Adams - Mamedyarov

[Event "FIDE Grand Prix - London 2012"] [Site "London"] [Date "2012.09.22"] [Round "2"] [White "Adams, Michael"] [Black "Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "B19"] [WhiteElo "2722"] [BlackElo "2729"] [Annotator "Ramirez,Alejandro"] [PlyCount "97"] [EventDate "2012.??.??"] [EventCountry "ENG"] 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6 6. h4 h6 7. Nf3 Nf6 { Already a very unusual and provocative move. The main idea for black is to prevent Ne5 by playing Nd7, and only then developing the knight to f6. White doesn't hesitate in taking advantage of this situation, but this is not the first time Mamedyarov employs this mover order. He beat Harikrishna at the Olympiad with it.} 8. Ne5 Bh7 9. Bd3 (9. Bc4 e6 10. Qe2 Nd5 11. Qh5 Qc7 {was the Harikrishna game, and Black ended up being very solid.}) 9... Nbd7 10. f4 ( 10. Bxh7 Nxe5 11. dxe5 Qa5+ 12. Kf1 Nxh7 {has been tested by Dreev who scored a draw against Istratescu.}) 10... e6 11. Bxh7 Nxh7 12. Be3 Be7 {We're out of theory and it's not hard to guess what is going on. Black has a solid position but White is pushing his pawns trying to 'storm the barricades' and on top of that has a nice spatial plus. A standard strategical battle.} 13. Qf3 Qa5+ 14. c3 Nhf6 15. h5 {Black has a difficult choice in castiling. If he chooses the kingside, he will quickly be under fire with a move such as f5. If he chooses the queenside, it is unclear how he is going to defend his f7 pawn. For now, he decides it is best to put some pressure on the White position before making any rash decisions.} Qb5 16. O-O-O Nd5 $5 {White has the option of keeping Black's king in the center, but with Black's strong queen on b5 and knight on d7 he can be sure the center will be kept closed.} 17. Bd2 Nxe5 18. dxe5 { Adams played this move, so it must have a reason for existing, but more natural to me seemed to open the f-file. Of course this would allow a potential c5 break, but now I don't see how White will make much progress.} O-O-O 19. b3 Nb6 20. Qe2 {The endgame is slightly unpleasant for Black because of White's space advantage. Pushing the g-pawn forward will net him weaknesses and eventually an edge. Also, white is playing Mamedyarov. Whoever heard of Mamedyarov willingly defending a worse endgame (except for yesterday's game!)} Rd3 $5 {If I could put more !!!s and ???s I would. This move is wild, crazy and unnecessary to a point. Black sacrifices a full rook for what seems like a fleeting attack, but Mamedyarov has this under control.} 21. c4 {If White doesn't accept, the doubling on the d-file will actually give black an edge.} Qa6 22. Qxd3 Qxa2 {White is being threatened with Ba3 checkmate. There are two ways to protect against this, blocking with b4 (before or after c5) and moving the rook on d1.} 23. c5 (23. b4 $2 Rd8 24. Qc2 Qa1+ 25. Qb1 Qa3+ 26. Qb2 Qxg3 $17 {This knight hanging is the point of Black's attack. Once the knight is regained Black is not down that much material, and he still retains strong pressure.}) (23. Rde1 Rd8 24. Qc3 a5 $1 25. Ne4 (25. Nf1 Bb4 26. Qc2 Qa1+ 27. Qb1 Qxb1+ 28. Kxb1 Bxd2 29. Re4 $14 {Black has a lot of positional plus, but White is up the exchange after all.}) 25... Ba3+ 26. Kd1 $13) (23. Rdg1 $5 $13) 23... Bxc5 24. b4 Nc4 {forced.} (24... Rd8 25. Qc2 Qa1+ 26. Qb1 Qa3+ 27. Qb2 Qxg3 28. bxc5 {simply does not work.}) 25. Qb1 {Forced} (25. Qc3 $2 Rd8 $1 26. bxc5 Rd3 $19 {White can't defend b2 and the attack crashes through.}) 25... Qa3+ 26. Kc2 Qxg3 27. Qb3 Qxb3+ 28. Kxb3 Nxd2+ 29. Rxd2 {After a wild wild sequence we have this endgame in which Black must be slightly worse. Although normally having two pawns for an exchange is a good thing, here those pawns are far behind and the rooks have a lot of targets. However, Shakhriyar is able to easily hold this endgame after some explosive fireworks.} Be3 30. Rd3 Bb6 (30... Bxf4 31. Rf1 Bxe5 32. Rxf7 {Gives White too much activity.}) 31. Rg3 Rg8 32. Rd1 Bd8 33. b5 {This pawn sacrifice really seems more threatening than it is. After this Black has little to worry about.} cxb5 34. Rc3+ Kb8 35. Rd7 Rf8 36. Rg3 {Mickeys brilliant plan has only one flaw. White is threatening to win by taking on g7, and it seems unstoppable, unfortunately the rook on d7 has no space on the 7th rank.} Kc8 37. Rd1 Rg8 38. Rc3+ Kb8 39. Rd7 Rf8 {An intermediate move before a funny repetition.} 40. Kb4 a6 41. Rg3 Kc8 42. Rd1 Rg8 43. Rc3+ Kb8 44. Rd7 Rf8 45. Rg3 Kc8 46. Rd1 Rg8 47. Rc3+ Kb8 48. Rd7 Rf8 49. Rg3 {The Computers like trying on with g4, but it seems like that wouldn't win either. A very hard fought game where both players played very precisely after deciding that they wanted to play some rough chess. Bravo!} 1/2-1/2

All photos by Ray Morris-Hill

Daniel King: Round 2 Play of the Day: Leko vs Ivanchuk

Schedule and results

Round 1 on 2012/09/21 at 14:00

Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2684


Leko Peter 2737
Nakamura Hikaru 2783


Gelfand Boris 2738
Topalov Veselin 2752


Grischuk Alexander 2754
Dominguez Perez Leinier 2725


Giri Anish 2730
Wang Hao 2742


Adams Michael 2722
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2729


Ivanchuk Vassily 2769

Round 2 on 2012/09/22 at 14:00

Leko Peter 2737


Ivanchuk Vassily 2769
Adams Michael 2722


Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2729
Giri Anish 2730


Wang Hao 2742
Grischuk Alexander 2754


Dominguez Perez Leinier 2725
Gelfand Boris 2738


Topalov Veselin 2752
Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2684


Nakamura Hikaru 2783

Round 3 on 2012/09/23 at 14:00

Nakamura Hikaru 2783


Leko Peter 2737
Topalov Veselin 2752


Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2684
Dominguez Perez Leinier 2725


Gelfand Boris 2738
Wang Hao 2742


Grischuk Alexander 2754
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2729


Giri Anish 2730
Ivanchuk Vassily 2769


Adams Michael 2722

Round 4 on 2012/09/24 at 14:00

Leko Peter 2737


Adams Michael 2722
Giri Anish 2730


Ivanchuk Vassily 2769
Grischuk Alexander 2754


Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2729
Gelfand Boris 2738


Wang Hao 2742
Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2684


Dominguez Perez Leinier 2725
Nakamura Hikaru 2783


Topalov Veselin 2752

Round 5 on 2012/09/25 at 14:00

Topalov Veselin 2752


Leko Peter 2737
Dominguez Perez Leinier 2725


Nakamura Hikaru 2783
Wang Hao 2742


Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2684
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2729


Gelfand Boris 2738
Ivanchuk Vassily 2769


Grischuk Alexander 2754
Adams Michael 2722


Giri Anish 2730

Round 6 on 2012/09/27 at 14:00

Leko Peter 2737


Giri Anish 2730
Grischuk Alexander 2754


Adams Michael 2722
Gelfand Boris 2738


Ivanchuk Vassily 2769
Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2684


Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2729
Nakamura Hikaru 2783


Wang Hao 2742
Topalov Veselin 2752


Dominguez Perez Leinier 2725

Round 7 on 2012/09/28 at 14:00

Dominguez Perez Leinier 2725


Leko Peter 2737
Wang Hao 2742


Topalov Veselin 2752
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2729


Nakamura Hikaru 2783
Ivanchuk Vassily 2769


Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2684
Adams Michael 2722


Gelfand Boris 2738
Giri Anish 2730


Grischuk Alexander 2754

Round 8 on 2012/09/29 at 14:00

Leko Peter 2737


Grischuk Alexander 2754
Gelfand Boris 2738


Giri Anish 2730
Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2684


Adams Michael 2722
Nakamura Hikaru 2783


Ivanchuk Vassily 2769
Topalov Veselin 2752


Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2729
Dominguez Perez Leinier 2725


Wang Hao 2742

Round 9 on 2012/10/01 at 14:00

Wang Hao 2742


Leko Peter 2737
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2729


Dominguez Perez Leinier 2725
Ivanchuk Vassily 2769


Topalov Veselin 2752
Adams Michael 2722


Nakamura Hikaru 2783
Giri Anish 2730


Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2684
Grischuk Alexander 2754


Gelfand Boris 2738

Round 10 on 2012/10/02 at 14:00

Leko Peter 2737


Gelfand Boris 2738
Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2684


Grischuk Alexander 2754
Nakamura Hikaru 2783


Giri Anish 2730
Topalov Veselin 2752


Adams Michael 2722
Dominguez Perez Leinier 2725


Ivanchuk Vassily 2769
Wang Hao 2742


Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2729

Round 11 on 2012/10/03 at 11:00

Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2729


Leko Peter 2737
Ivanchuk Vassily 2769


Wang Hao 2742
Adams Michael 2722


Dominguez Perez Leinier 2725
Giri Anish 2730


Topalov Veselin 2752
Grischuk Alexander 2754


Nakamura Hikaru 2783
Gelfand Boris 2738


Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2684

Video Reports

  • Round 1 Video Reports: Macauley Peterson has produced a number of short video reports based on quick interviews held immediately after each games with the players.

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