Friday, July 26, 2013

More women getting behind the wheel of a Porsche


2 hours ago

Maria Sharapova from Russia, right, and CEO of Porsche AG, Matthias Mueller drive in a Porsche 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet during the victory ceremony af...

Daniel Maurer / AP

Tennis star Maria Sharapova and Porsche CEO Matthias Mueller drive in a Porsche 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet during the victory ceremony after the final of the WTA Porsche GP in Stuttgart, Germany, April 28, 2013. More women are buying Porsches, especially SUVs.

Jody Verson never thought of herself as a Porsche woman.

So when the long-time Lexus owner from Deerfield, Illinois found herself behind the wheel of a Porsche Cayenne, she was blown away by the ultra luxury sports utility vehicle.

"I don't know how it happened, but I ended up driving a Porsche Cayenne one day as a loaner and absolutely loved it," said Verson. "It was a lot of fun and I couldn't believe it. Never would have believed it and said, okay, gotta have one."

Verson is not the only woman to discover a new-found appreciation for Porsche. In the last two years the luxury brand has doubled its sales to woman in the United States, with the percentage of Porsche sales to females rising from 7 percent to 15 percent.

"It is really hard to explain. I have girlfriends who want to know, 'why do you love this car so much?' It is just fun to drive, you really have to drive it," added Verson.

(Read more: The Most Desirable Porsches)

One of the primary reasons Porsche is attracting more female buyers is the popularity of the Cayenne. Just as BMW, Lexus and Mercedes have been able to expand their customer base and win over mothers who want a luxury SUV, Porsche now finds itself in the same position.

Faris Nijim, the sales manager at the Porsche Exchange in Highland Park, Illinois, said one out of every four Cayennes sold at his dealership is to a woman.

(Read more: China's gift crackdown not hitting luxury cars: Porche)

"We see more women coming in not only with their husbands, buton their own as the primary decision maker," said Nijim.

Given Porsche's reputation as a performance car driven by wealthy men who often want to convey a certain image, he understands why some women might feel intimidated when they think of buying a Porsche.

"We see a lot of times, when a woman walks into the showroom, there may be inherently a little bit of apprehension on her part right because she's not really sure what to expect or what the experience is going to be. So we have to provide an accommodating atmosphere that is non-threatening," explained Nijim.

Make no mistake. There are still plenty of men at the Porsche Exchange looking to buy the latest 911 or Boxster, but Nijim is increasingly seeing women coming in to browse and take a test drive.

As Porsche has increased sales to women, executives with the ultra-luxury brand have been careful not to radically change the company's marketing so it comes across as pandering to ladies.

Still the German brand has slowly but steadily expanded its advertising in a wider variety of magazines that reach upscale readers.

The idea? Spread the Porsche brand to a broader audience.

(Read more: Demand for 'street legal' ultra-luxury cars soars)

Nijim has seen the influx of new buyers, including women, with the Panamera sedan. "In late 2009, we brought the Panamera to market and in a period of just over a year and a half, 70 percent of those Panamera buyers were first-time Porsche buyers [and] had never walked into a Porsche showroom before."

As for Jody Verson, she said her friends have a new opinion of Porsche and her Cayenne. "My girlfriends can't believe how pretty the inside is. It is really a pretty car."

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kettlebell Workouts for Beginners and Professionals | Content for ...

Author: Joe Zavarix | Total views: 57 Comments: 0
Word Count: 740 Date:

Kettlebells are great for flexibility training, cardio and strength training and they resemble mini bowling balls with a handles. They provide users with a wider range of motion compared to dumbbells. Below are 10 kettlebell workouts that can be incorporated into a regular exercise regimen:

One-handed Swing

These exercises target the legs, glutes, hips, backs and shoulders. To execute this exercise, place the feet in a position a little wider than hip-width apart and use one hand, with the palm facing down, to hold the kettlebell in front of the body. Slightly bend the knees and push the hips back to lower the body a bit. Then drive the hips forward explosively as you are swinging the kettlebell, ensure that the core and glutes are engaged. Bear in mind that as you return to a standing position, the hips should drive the motion and the unengaged arm should also swing as this helps to drive momentum. When behind the leg with the kettlebell, alternate hands. Do 10 to 12 reps on each arm.

Two-handed Swing

This exercise targets the same areas as the one-handed version and it is the same as the one-handed swing, except both hands are used at the same time. Keep swinging for 12 to 15 reps.


The figure-8 targets the abs, back and arms. With the legs a little wider than hip-distance apart (the chest should be up and the back straight) assume the a quarter-squat position. With the kettlebell in the left hand, swing it on the outside of the corresponding leg and then in between both legs. Switch to the right side and repeat the movement. Do for an entire minute, switching the directions half way through.

Front Squat

This targets the back, glutes and legs. Use both hands to hold the kettlebell out in front of the chest, ensuring that the elbows are close to the body. Drive the heels into the ground and start squatting, push back with the hips to get the thighs parallel to the ground. Return to the standing position and do 15 to 20 reps.

One-arm Floor Press

This workout targets the core, arms and chest. Lie on the floor with legs straight out. With the palm facing inward, hold a kettlebell to your side, pressing the weight all the way up. Go back to the starting position, do 6 to 8 reps.

One-arm Snatch

These sets of kettlebell workouts target the back, chest and shoulders. Begin with bent knees, placing the workout equipment in between the feet. Next, in an explosive movement lift yourself onto your toes and pull the equipment until it gets to the chest; the elbow should be tucked in. After which, hold the weight tightly and bring it overhead. Bring it down close to the floor. Do 6 to 8 repetitions.

Sots Press

Clean off one of your kettlebells and get into a full squat. Remain in the low position of the squat and press the weight overhead till it is completely locked out. Lower the weight to the starting position and do it again. Remain in a low position for the duration of the set. Ensure that your glutes are pushed into your calves and your midsection is contracted to increase power and stability. If you are unable to complete a full squat, you will not be able to perform the Sots Press.

Pistol A.K.A One-legged Squat

Grip one of your kettlebells close to the chest similarly to a steering wheel. With the non-working leg held up, squat straight down with the engaged leg. Pause for a second when you get to the bottom and then stand back up. Slowly pull yourself down using your hamstrings, while contracting your abs, quads and glutes for maximum Does mom know you're home and tension.

Side Press

Use one arm to clean one of your kettlebells. In the direction of your cleaned weight, push out your hip, turning the feet outward at a 45 degree angle from the arm holding the weight. As you are sitting back and going lower, actively press the weight at the same time. Keep bending sideways until the weight is locked out.

These are just some of the kettlebells exercises that can be incorporated into your fitness routine.

For a simple to read, organized site with more information and videos involving kettlebells, go to

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'Dexter' exclusive photo: Deb's down and out


2 hours ago

Two episodes into the final season of "Dexter," and former Miami Metro lieutenant Debra Morgan is on an epic downward spiral. She's already killed a man, had brother Dexter mess with the evidence to cover up her crime, is turning into a raging alcoholic and is using hardcore drugs.

Based on a new photo that Showtime is sharing exclusively with, things look to get even worse for her on Sunday's new episode when she crumples to the floor.

Image: Dexter

Randy Tepper / SHOWTIME

In this exclusive photo Showtime is sharing with, it looks like Deb's going to run into more trouble in Sunday's new episode of "Dexter."

Once again, it looks like Dex comes to the rescue, and maybe with a little bit of help from her ex-boyfriend Quinn. But what's the cause for this collapse? Did she snort something bad? Pass out with a sky-high blood-alcohol level?

And if the room they're in looks familiar, it should: It's the interrogation room at Miami Metro. With her life falling apart so quickly, it wouldn't be hard to imagine her getting busted for drugs, theft or a DUI -- or some combination of those. But the teaser for the third episode offers quite the clue as to her presence there: "I'm confessing everything! I'm telling the whole truth!" she declares. "There's nothing you can do to stop me!"

Deb may be down for the count in the picture, but it sounds like she may be taking Dexter with her.

"Dexter" airs Sunday at 9 p.m. on Showtime.


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Dos and don?ts for rewarding employees

Editor's note: This story and video clip are taken from Ragan's new distance-learning portal The site contains more than 200 hours of case studies, video presentations, and interactive courses. For membership information, please click here.

Several years ago, Google, flush with cash and no doubt anticipating great PR, gave every staffer a $1,000 bonus and a 10 percent raise.

You might think that would impress Leila Bulling Towne, an executive coach who has made employee rewards and recognition her specialty. If so, you?d be wrong.

?To the top performer, what did that say?? Bulling Towne says. ?I mean, think about it. You?re working really hard. The person next to you is just meeting expectations. You both get the 10 percent raise.?

(Some media reported that Google also offered additional merit raises, but you get her point.)

[RELATED: Ragan's new distance-learning site houses the most comprehensive video training library for corporate commuicators.]

Whether you?re just offering a strategic attaboy or attagirl, or you?re working out a reward system to boost the bottom line, communications matter. Recognition and rewards are crucial for retention of staff, she says. Sadly, however, many recognition programs are opaque, inconsistent, and badly communicated.

Bulling Towne offers advice drawn from clients ranging from Silicon Valley startups to Fortune 500 companies.

Here are some dos and don?ts for communicating in ways that make rewards and recognition work for you:

Do: Figure out your purpose in recognition

Organizations often give vague reasons for rewarding staff. People will say that everybody?s doing it, a boss told them to hand out rewards, or they think it?s the right thing to do.

A common executive complaint about rewards is, ?You?re not strategic enough.? What is your purpose, the result you hope to achieve by handing out certificates?

Here?s a goal you should embrace: ?Create an environment where every employee can make the choice to do his or her part in meeting the organization?s goals,? Bulling Towne says.

Don?t: Ignore your top performers.

You?d be surprised: Many organizations believe rewarding the best employees is somehow undemocratic. Often, says Bulling Towne, organizations spend most of their time worrying about the problem children. They ignore the ones who excel.

?They?re superheroes,? the bosses tend to think, according to Bulling Towne. ?You don?t have to worry about them. Gosh, they do everything well. I can rely on them. I?ll leave them alone.?

This breeds resentment among the very employees you wish to retain.

Do: Reward the right things

What merits recognition? An unexpectedly high level of performance, Bulling Towne says. Actions that save time and money. Increasing customer numbers and satisfaction. Innovation. Consistency and dedication. Learning new skills and applying them thoughtfully toward business results.

What doesn?t merit recognition? Showing up on time. Daily tasks accomplished according to set expectations. A slight boost in performance. Poor performance.

Don?t: Mess up the basics.

Rewards not tied to business results, or which are infrequent or badly timed, do nothing to create incentives. Also, avoid overblown adjectives such as ?brilliant? and ?amazing.?

Do: Connect the dots.

When you hand out those bonuses, tickets for the ballgame, or coupons for ice cream sundaes, be specific: Let employees know not only that they did a good job, but how they did a good job.

Bulling Towne offers this template for praise: ?When you did X, we built/gained/executed Y.?

Do: Make expectations clear with all employees

Managers must be coached to give concise, meaningful feedback to their associates. Employee rewards programs work?but only if managers are having robust, accurate conversations, Bulling Towne says.

If you say, ?We should turn out the light when we leave the room,? the employee may hear that it?s everyone?s responsibility. Instead, say, ?I want you to do this...?

Remember, rewards and recognition only work if they are part of an overall strategy of good communication.


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Sunday, July 7, 2013

How to Fit Exercise Into Your Busy Schedule | Body Health ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]If you care about your body health, read all about health, bodybuilding, nutrition, diet, weight loss, fitness and watch a lot of workout videos. ... Body Health ? Bodybuilding, Workouts, Fitness, Diet, Nutrition and Weight loss ...


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Blogging dads? that's new! - Quiet Country Life

Blogging dadsThe fast rise of blogging dads is really making me step up my game a little bit. My kids are now using the internet to do searches for fun things to do, and they keep finding these blogging dad sites that have reviews on the latest gadgets and computer games, that of course, my kids just NEED to try. My son found a dad blog all about the great outdoors and now shockingly, he wants to put down his games controller and go camping..Outdoors..In the wet..And the cold? argh! Ok, that might be a little over dramatic, and it would be good to get out and get fresh air, maybe I need to ease into it slowly?Perhaps a nature walk or two before a night under the stars?

Some great sites I found while browsing were

Cabbagedan is a site my daughter found, she particularly loved the post that talked about the games that could be played as a family. I once told her stories abouthow we would sit around the table as children and play a variety of card games with our parents, they wanted to try and we had tons of fun. I read the post because she wanted me to go out and buy these games so we could all play. I found it interesting because the post actually starts about learning to be a good loser, and winner. Something we can all take a lesson from. is slightly different to the other daddy blogs, it is more of a lifestyle type of blog rather than family centric. However, the busy stay at home dad might enjoy spending a few minutes browsing the many posts on offer onthis site, from film reviews to men?s fashion and for all those single dads out there, tips on dating. The online magazine style is pleasing and easy to read.

A blog focused on being a dad, thedaddyadventure intersperses posts about how his child is growing and the fun things he does, with practical posts regarding the latest mobile phones and other gadgets that are all important in a man?s world.Many parents, both male and female, might just appreciate the helpful, ?how to get your child to eat? post.

The site that strikes me with fear, the one my son found. is actually a great looking site; the pictures of the family camping that I can enjoy from the comfort of my own, warm, cosy home are really lovely. But he has taken it to heart and now he wants to go camping (thanks a lot outdoorsdad..LOL) and not only that he wants to go fishing and swimming in the sea?*shudder* The site has been fantastic to get my son wanting to move away from his electronic games so maybe I should buy some outdoor gear, and a pair of wellies, and get out with him, after all, it is behaviour I should be encouraging






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Friday, June 28, 2013

Moving to Feedly? Here are a few more app options to access your feeds


We're in a transitional phase, but there are a few great choices for Feedly RSS clients out there

While we've already voiced our position on which RSS reader is still at the top of the heap after the move over to Feedly, we know that not every app works for every person. In the move over to new back-end syncing solutions from Google Reader we've lost (or are in the process of losing) a whole lot of well-made clients. Luckily a few have stayed quick on their feet and have made the transition away from Google Reader so that users still have a few choices in the RSS client space.

Let's also hope that more readers can come out of the woodwork and offer even more options going forward, but for now there are still a handful of great options in the Play Store. Hang with us after the break and try a few more RSS readers on for size, and see if you can find one that fits your needs. 

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